and it's ace to have somewhere so close where second hand books (as well as records, DVDs and what not) are readily available! Anyway, I thought I'd do a haul post of the books I found- partially because I wanted to take pictures against the pretty material of a pouffe belonging to a friend (haha)- so here it is..."Second hand books are wild books, homeless books; they have come together in vast flocks of variegated feather, and have a charm which the domesticated volumes of the library lack"
I recently read Aldous Huxley's Brave New World so thought I would invest £2 in the novel that supposedly established him as a writer- despite never having heard of it before! Nevertheless, I am quite looking forward to reading it if Brave New World is anything to go by.
I really love Virginia Woolf, especially Mrs Dalloway after studying it for my comparative coursework piece last year. I've always been interested in reading The Waves, and have heard good things about it- £.150 well spent.
I was talking to a man at the pub about Hardy after saying that I wanted to read Tess of the D'urbervilles, and he told me that anyone who knew Hardy well would be more impressed if I said I had read The Trumpet-Major as it is a less well-known text, so I thought I would buy it! (80p)
The Picture of Dorian Gray is probably one of the best books I've read recently(ish) and I've been looking forward to reading more of Wilde's work. This looks from the introduction like it'll be a little different in style to DG, but I'm looking forward to it all the same! (£2.99)
Fairly recently I bought my brother's tablet, and so attempted to read The Metamorphosis on the Kindle app- but I really didn't get on with reading off of a screen! Initially I was looking out for getting The Metamorphosis today but I didn't find it, but I'm hoping that this will also be worth reading. (80p)
Admittedly I've never heard of this novel before, but the person I was with recommended it based on recommendations by others and their recommendations tend to be pretty spot on so I went with it! Have had a look at the blurb/online and it does look as though it'll be a good read. (£2.50)
After looking at a post somewhere about the hundred top reads I saw this, and quite fancied it so it caught my eye today! I'm looking forward to reading it, and I think I'd like to read Of Mice and Men at some point too.
I'm really excited to read all of these, despite the fact that I already have a growing mountain of books in my 'to read' pile, but hey ho. I also bought a few second hand records, had a mint chocolate milkshake and had an all round ace day! Time (and money) definitely well spent.
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